What is this procedure? This procedure involves cutting the side(s) of your toe nail(s) or it may involve removal of your nail completely. Why would you need the operation (indication)? Your toenail grow in such a way that it digs into your skin causing infection and pain. What symptoms would you experience with this problem? You may experience severe pain on the involved toe. How do you know for sure that you have the condition therefore you need this operation? This is usually very obvious. Your surgeon will examine you to ensure you need the operation. What scar will you have and what does the procedure involve? The procedure often involves cutting the side of the nail as well as ablating the nail growth area to prevent that part of the nail from growing back. What anaesthetic will I have and do I have a choice? This can usually be done uner local anaesthetic or with some sedation. What are the possible complications and what are the chances that they occur? Complications are very low but may involve the recurrence of the problem if the nail grows back. What to expect after the operation? You will have bandage over the involved toe. Should I not be doing certain things after the operation? This procedure involves you foot, therefore driving may not be recommended until you are reviewed by the surgeon. How long should I be off work? Depending on the nature of your work, if it does not involve you foot then you can return to work the next day. When will I see my surgeon for review? Your surgeon will review you 1-2 weeks to inspect the wound. Is there long term follow-up with my surgeon? Usually no.