What is this procedure? This procedure aims to remove the pits, with embedded hairs, in the cleft of your bottom. Why would you need the operation (indication)? You may have had severe infection of the pilonidal sinus before (ie. forming an abscess that you have had drained) and the sinus has no healed completely. You may experience ongoing discharge from the sinus(es). If you don't have the surgery, the sinus is at risk of developing an abscess later on. What symptoms would you experience with this problem? The sinus may develop an abscess where you would experience severe pain and possibly develop a fever. If it is not infected, you may experience continual discharge from the sinus. How do you know for sure that you have the condition therefore you need this operation? You will experience the above symptoms and your surgeon will examine you to confirm this. What scar will you have and what does the procedure involve? Depending on the severity of the sinus(es), you will have a vertical scar on your backside. A drain may be put in during the operation, this is often removed 12-24 hours later. What anaesthetic will I have and do I have a choice? This is usually done under general anaesthetic. What are the possible complications and what are the chances that they occur? The risk of complications of this procedure dependends on how severe the sinuses are; they include: infection, wound coming apart and rarely recurrence of the sinuses requiring further surgery. What to expect after the operation? You may have a drain in, this will be removed 12-24 hours later. Should I not be doing certain things after the operation? Keep the area clean. How long should I be off work? Depending on the nature of your occupation, but usually a week is sufficient. What if things don't go according to plan after the operation? You need to see you family doctor or the surgeon. When will I see my surgeon for review? The surgeon usually reviews you 2 and 6 weeks after the operation. Is there long term follow-up with my surgeon? Usually not. How long you will be in hospital? You are usually in hospital overnight only. How long will the operation take? Depending on the severity, the procedure often takes 45 mintues to 1 hour.