What is this procedure? This operation repair the hernia that is poking through your belly button. Why would you need the operation (indication)? The reason usually is because it causes some discomfort. The hernia may get stuck therefore causing alot of pain - hence we try and fix it before thsi happens. What symptoms would you experience with this problem? You may feel some discomfort or pain. You will notice a lump where the belly button should be - this often is worst when you stan up. How do you know for sure that you have the condition therefore you need this operation? The symptoms are very classic. Your surgeon will examine you to confirm this. What scar will you have and what does the procedure involve? Most of these hernias are very small so you will have a scar either above or below your belly button. If the hernia is very large, this can be done with keyhole surgery. A mesh may be used to strenghthened the tissue. What anaesthetic will I have and do I have a choice? This is done with a general anaesthetic. What are the possible complications and what are the chances that they occur? Complications are very low but they include general things like bleedind and infection. There is a vey low risk that your hernia may come back. Should I not be doing certain things after the operation? You should not do any heavy lifting for 6 weeks after the operation as this may increase the risk of the hernia coming back. Usual precautions for any surgery applies here. How long should I be off work? Depeneding on your occupation, but as mentioned you should not do any heavy lifting for 6 weeks. You usually need 1 week of after the operation. When will I see my surgeon for review? Your surgeon will see you for a check up at 2 weeks and 6 weeks after the operation to ensure your hernia has healed appropriately. Is there long term follow-up with my surgeon? Usually no.